Social Media Technology Conference & Workshop

Call for Papers, Workshops and Panels


 October 5-6, 2017
Howard University
Washington, D.C.

Social Media: Culture and Identity

The 7th Annual Social Media Technology Conference & Workshop is a two-day intensive conference combining panel discussions, paper presentations and workshops designed to enlighten attendees about new scholarship, professional practices and pedagogical approaches to teaching. Interested individuals can send in papers, workshop ideas and panels proposals that address a myriad of topics surrounding the theme – Social Media: Culture and Identity. This year’s theme focuses on dissecting how social media work to celebrate and heighten cultural differences and practices as well as provide a space for individuals to shape or have their identities shaped by social media usage. The goal is to bring scholars and professionals together to share their perspectives on how social media are utilized by various individuals, groups, cultures or entities to create agency, share voices and impact cultures and identities.

Paper Submissions
Respondents should submit a 3-5 page proposal that includes an overview of the study as well as research design that includes brief review of the literature, methodology and findings, if possible. All respondents in this category should clearly identify the submission type on their proposal and send the proposal through EasyChair by June 30, 2017 at the following site: In addition to the proposal, a file should be uploaded with a 100-word abstract of the proposed paper as well as a 100-word biography for each author. Submission without the biography will be rejected. Presenters will be notified by mid-July of the status of their submissions and should register to attend the conference by September 1, 2017.

Panel Submissions
Respondents should submit a 3-5 page proposal addressing the purpose of the panel and specific issue(s) to be covered. The proposal should include a list of the confirmed guests or those who will be solicited for the panel as well as their brief biographies. All respondents in this category should send the proposal through EasyChair by June 30, 2017 at the following site: In addition to the proposal, a file should be uploaded with a 100-word description of the proposed panel as well as a 100-word biography for each presenter. Submission without the biography will be rejected. Presenters will be notified by mid-July of the status of their acceptance and should register to attend the conference by September 1, 2017.

Workshop Submissions
Respondents should submit a 3-5 page proposal addressing the purpose of the workshop, details about the technology, social media trend or tool to be explored and what attendees will gain from attending it. Workshops are scheduled for 90 minutes, so content should be sufficient enough to fill the timeslot. If applicable, the proposal should include a list of the confirmed guests or those who will be solicited for the workshops as well as their brief biographies. All respondents in this category should send the proposal through EasyChair by June 30, 2017 at the following site: In addition to the proposal, a file should be uploaded with a 100-word description of the proposed workshop as well as a 100-word biography accompanied by a photograph for each workshop presenter. Submission without the biography will be rejected. Presenters will be notified by mid-July of the status of their acceptance and should register to attend the conference by September 1, 2017.

The registration fee for the two-day conference is $125. All presenters, attendees and workshop participants are required to pay the conference fee.


Dr. Kehbuma Langmia                                                 Dr. Tia C. M. Tyree

Howard University                                                       Howard University                                      


Dr. Michael Austin                                                      Professor Ingrid Sturgis
Howard University                                                       Howard University                              



@smtechconfwork       Social Media Technology Conference and Workshop

Sponsored by The National Communication Association, which advances Communication as the discipline that studies all forms, modes, media, and consequences of communication through humanistic, social scientific, and aesthetic inquiry. NCA serves the scholars, teachers, and practitioners who are its members by enabling and supporting their professional interests in research and teaching. Dedicated to fostering and promoting free and ethical communication, NCA promotes the widespread appreciation of the importance of communication in public and private life, the application of competent communication to improve the quality of human life and relationships, and the use of knowledge about communication to solve human problems.